Attorneys who have a working knowledge of the whole Uniform Commercial Code have an enormous advantage over those who don’t. If you practice in the UCC arena, understanding the totality of the Code gives you an arsenal which is vastly superior to someone who understands bits and pieces, or even substantial blocks. Every UCC case activates an enormous number of statutory provisions, and at least two Articles, generally more. The attorney who understands how to use this array of statutory language is far more capable than someone who doesn’t.
Even if you are not directly practicing in the UCC arena, there is an extremely high likelihood that the UCC has a direct impact on your area or transaction. In a typical real estate venture for example, you will have a promissory note [Article 3]; sales of building materials [Article 2], fixture filings and possibly a construction loan filing also [Article 9]; possible commercial shipping of goods [Article 7], and leasing of equipment [Article 2A] and of course Article 1 which applies to all transactions under the UCC.
Attorneys who have a working knowledge of the UCC are not only far more capable of handling their clients’ affairs, but should litigation arise, they will be far more conversant with the trial attorney, or if trying the matter themselves, will be in a much better position to reach a favorable result for their clients.